The truth about mould in your home

The truth about mould in your home

Back Dealing with moulds in your home   Mould is common in New Zealand homes and with the increasingly cold winters, it is important that we understand the damages of mould and how to prevent it from having long term effects on ourselves and our family. Mould...
24 Ways to Reduce Heating Costs

24 Ways to Reduce Heating Costs

Back Easy home solutions to reduce your heating cost   As an Auckland Property Manager, we are very aware of the sharp increase in winter power bills. As daylight becomes shorter, people tend to use more heating. Let’s try to avoid that and look for other...
The Myth of Meth Busted

The Myth of Meth Busted

Back The Myth of Meth Busted, May 31 2018 Being an Auckland Property Management specialist has had huge challenges in recent years. Two of the major issues being leaky building syndrome and meth contamination. In a recently published research paper from the Prime...
Unconsented Building Alterations

Unconsented Building Alterations

Back Dunedin landlord wins rent refund. District Court appeal, Nov 20 2017 Report by Chris Matthews –   Dunedin landlord Vic Inglis has won a landmark appeal at the Dunedin District Court. Inglis v Parry (2017) NZDC 26365. Inglis was...
Residential Insulation Requirements

Residential Insulation Requirements

Back Have your home insulation sorted by 1 July 2019   As of 1 July 2019, it is compulsory for all rental homes to have proper insulations that meet the EECA compliance standards (Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority). The insulation is rated using the...