24 Ways to Reduce Heating Costs

Easy home solutions to reduce your heating cost

As an Auckland Property Manager, we are very aware of the sharp increase in winter power bills. As daylight becomes shorter, people tend to use more heating. Let’s try to avoid that and look for other solutions that you can do around your home. With this easy steps, it should start saving you power and money.

    1. Use your curtains. At sunrise, open up your curtains to allow natural heat from the sun to enter your house. At sundown, close your curtains to prevent heat from leaving your house as windows can transmit heat.
    2. Avoid using the heating during the day when no one is around and try to use as much natural sun heat to heat up your home to save from paying for heat you do not need.
    3. Rearrange your sofas and couches away from the radiator, heater or fire to allow heat to flow and circulate more freely around your living area.
    4. Check your insulation and make sure that it is up to standard. If you’re unsure, get professional help from your property manager or your landlord.
    5. If you have a hot water tank, make sure that it is properly insulated to prevent heat loss. Especially with any copper pipes running hot water from the cylinder.
    6. Try warming yourself up with more layers of clothing, wear slippers or socks indoors to avoid using too much heating. Check out the running cost calculator to estimate your cost for using heat pumps.
    7. Try using a ‘hottie’ (hot water bottle) at night to warm up your bed and keep you toasty through the night.
    8. If your hot water cylinder is old, keep the heat in by using a hot water cylinder wrap. Make sure the thermostat is set to produce a temperature of 55C at the tap (this will also prevent scalds).
    9. Turn the heating dial down between 19°C – 20°C.
    10. Block out the draughts. DIY and make your own by stuffing socks with newspaper or cushion stuffing.
    11. Talk to your electricity company about which plan is best for you.
    12. Set your washing machine on a cold or warm wash cycle. Use less of the washing machine if you can.
    13. Rinse your hand-washed dishes in cold water.
    14. Take short showers instead of baths as showers use about 58% less water than baths. This can save you from using too much hot water.
    15. Fix dripping taps. A dripping hot tap can cost $80 a year but a washer to fix it costs less than $1! Your Property Manager should fix this for you.
    16. Turn the lights off in rooms when you leave them.
    17. Appliances that have standby function (such as TVs, stereos, mobile chargers, computers or microwaves) should be turned off at the wall.
    18. Dry your clothes outside or leave them on a clothes rack inside.
    19. Use a timer on your heated towel rail.
    20. Make sure there is generous air space behind the back of your fridge and try to locate it out of direct sunlight.
    21.Cool food before putting it in the fridge. If you have a second fridge try to turn it off over winter.
    22. When cooking make sure to keep the oven door closed.
    23. Simmer rather than boil your food.
    24. Defrost your food naturally as often as possible (in the fridge is the best), rather than using the microwave.

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