Parkit is a specialist property management company with 20+ years of proven experience serving the needs of landlords and investors. Our purpose is to provide you with trouble free rental property ownership and income. If this is what you seek, you would be well advised to speak with us.
Most property investors know their rental property can be a first class investment when rent income and capital gain are considered. However, nothing is ever quite that simple. It does take skill and experience to manage your investment with selection of quality tenants who provide reliable returns.
Your income from rental property is too important to risk. Let us provide you with a
Residential Tenancy Letting Fee Change
No letting fees for tenants. Active from 12 December 2018. The Residential Tenancies (Prohibiting Letting Fees) Amendment has now been passed to remove letting fees for tenants who rent homes. This means that from 12 December 2018, tenants cannot be charged...
7 tips on choosing the right property manager in Auckland
Elements to consider when choosing the right property manager in Auckland Property management is no joke. It can be costly and tedious to deal with when it goes wrong. Take your time and choose the right property management company or agent to help you with...
Defining “fair wear and tear”
What is considered fair wear and tear? The definition of ‘fair wear & tear’ is often debated between Property Management Companies, Landlords and tenants. Parkit Management is a Property Management Company specialising in residential management in Auckland. Fair...
Let us help you to make the most out of your investment